Home sweet home..

Here I am, after nearly three weeks, back to writing in my beloved space. We got back from India after a grueling 28hr travel, on 31st night. And just in time to welcome us was a snow-storm. There was about a foot of snow waiting for us, and another couple of inches yesterday. It was very grounding-in the sense that there was no doubt we had reached back home :).

The vacation was a maze of experiences, driving through the packed roads of Bombay, shopping in huge malls, seeing some wonderful movies, and spending time with family. It was truly wonderful being around family and reconnecting. Seeing my parents and sister after two years was a momentous occasion. and seeing abhi’s parents and my sis-in-law was equally lovely. We were totally pampered and mostly our days consisted of eating yummy delicious food, meeting family friends, shopping and watching bollywood movies. Interspersed with long intellectual conversations about happiness and peace..Some memories stand out..visiting the saree shop with my sis where the sales-person was such a hoot that our insides ached with laughter..visiting mud island (by the sea at the outskirts of Bombay) which was so peaceful and relaxing. I totally let go and had a smashing time laughing at our family portraits..watching om shanti om with my parents and again plenty of laughs thanks to the movie..a wonderful two hours at the spa with Arpan getting a facial-the most relaxing facial of my life!! And loads of such sweet memories..

I loved the movies, full of entertaining songs and dances-and it reflected my inner emotions-that here we were in a magical world..but at some point it would end. and the curtain would close. There was something ethereal about the trip, maybe because we were the visitors and everyone was trying to get us to have a good time. And a good time we managed to have indeed!!

It was a journey for me, maintaining my calm in a different environment where peace was not readily at hand, mainly due to the constant noise and stimulation from the outer world (Bombay is one city that never sleeps!!). And the first few days, I found this disconcerting, accustomed to my peaceful surroundings here in Hanover. And then I realised, that this was the key: how does one maintain inner calm even though the outer world may not reflect this? That is after all the intention of a grounding practice such as meditation. And at this juncture, it was my intention of practicing acceptance that came to my rescue. Accepting all of my surroundings and going beyond the physical world. Most of all, I realized during my vacation that anything that happened during our time was welcomed whether good or bad. and I could accept myself and all those around me with honesty, and without judgement. (atleast that was my effort, though I admit I wasn’t *always* successful 😉 ). and that made it easier to let go and just enjoy.

And what a dynamic feeling this is. Just when we got back, there was an incredible amount of snow waiting for us. Lots of shoveling and clearing our cars. Both Abhi and I are thankful that we din’t think of this during our vacation. And this morning, as we were out together in the snow, I welcomed the opportunity for us to do something together, just the two of us. I said a silent prayer of gratitude for being back safely into our warm home. and just in time to welcome the new year.

Wish you all a wonderful new year with joy, peace and love.

Much love, S.