the sand and the waves

I am the sand
and you are the waves
washing over me

the past is invisible
and the future unclear
you erase me
over and over again
and you fill me with joy
over and over again

when you touch me
my senses come alive
this moment, this touch,
this breath, this wave

this is all that I know
this is all that I see
the past gone, the future uncertain
and I am happier than
I could ever be

live again…

when life happens
you don’t often know
there is no warning
no chance to get ready
and do your best
there just is what is
and you go with that

look again. linger in
those eyes that carry
immeasurable love for you
tomorrow when you are broken
they will sustain you
lift you and make you smile

you were so busy
you stopped looking
you forgot to pause
and things happened
suddenly now you stop
and realize what it is
to truly live
to breathe fully
to feel whole again

when life happens
you don’t often know
so get ready now
do what you must
be who you want to be
reach for the sky
and fill your heart with love

being with what is…

this is the most important lesson I am learning…what it is like to be with whatever comes up in life.

It has been a good week overall. a few days were very tiring inside me, a deep ache, a sadness. possibly rising because of seeing someone close to me suffering. some days physically exhausting – they both seem to go hand-in-hand. other days vibrant, waking up with a song in my head. seeing the sun set. the full moon lighting up the sky. normally, such a week of ups and downs would have me feeling like I am on a roller-coaster. and yet there was one thing that was constant this week in my life.

I was there present, for whatever came along. when I was tired, I noticed. with curiosity and compassion and love. somehow being tired wasn’t a problem. and believe me, thats a first. maybe because I wasn’t fighting it. I was being with it. with myself and whatever I was going through. and interestingly, the tiredness too passed. so did thoughts. actions. ideas. things come and go. and being with them as they occur is not only more easeful, it is more effortless. it requires a few commitments – to not judge, to forgive, and to believe that nothing is really a problem.

when nothing is really a problem, we have no reason to push away anything. and so we stay. and then we start seeing – really seeing things as they are. and they cease to disturb us anymore. because thats what our emotions and feelings really need. some attention. some recognition. acceptance and compassion. and when we start learning this, life becomes what it is – a dance where everything is welcome.

may we be with what is, this weekend.
with love, S.